Friday, 27 April 2007

NIkola's Seventh Post

3D Worlds and Socializing on the internet: 2D Vs 3D Communication

The 3d online spaces are a very different experience to ones such as msn.
A whole new layer of interactivity is introduced with adding real elements. It alsmot feels like you literaly are escaping into another world where you can look like whoever you want. I know this is also true for msn, but wiht the 3d spaces, you can edit your own world and change your surroundings however you like.

One has bene given the ability to escape into their own uniqe space.
There is a greater emphasis on community. In habbo, for example, there is a 'habbo of the week', where one random member of habbo has their little 3d character (which they design) placed on the homepage for all the world to see. This way people are more immersed in this virtual community.

My friends little brother, who was thirteen at the time, got involved with habbo and became addicted. He somehow met some shady characters and ended up making a lot of money. He was thirteen. He placed one thousand dollars into my friends bank acocunt and so my friends bought a nintendo gamecube with heaps of games. The bank got suspicious and sent police to their house... I dont know how they got out of it, but needless to say, these communities can have a substancial impact on peoples lives. The kid is 16 now (I think) and his whole life seems to revolve aorund this computer. Is it really a 'Fantasy world.' Or has it become os influential and dominant that it really is part of 'reality'. These community spaces really have become communities, so how can one reallya ccuse them of not living 'real' life. Laying my own ideals and beliefs aside, it really hsa become life. As normal as every other persons 'life.'

I would reallly like ot try this 'habbo hotel' but, with the increasing demands of our technologicla age, the computers are not able to view it.. Certain software is needed which can not be donwloaded at this time. This just shows, how truly quickly our tehcnological demands increase.

WAIT! WAIT! Its working now.. Habbo is a.o.k. And I find it VERY interesting taht people are paying REAL money to decorate a virual room.
People are actually investing real money, they are literally placing a greater importance on their virtual home and appearance than on their real one... Its getting bizzare it is.

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