Friday, 23 March 2007

Nikolas Fourth Post

This is the post regarding the Fourth Lecture and Tutorial Task
Scavenger Hunt:

Worlds Largest Pumpkin: Found in Yahoo! = The largest pumpkin ever grown is 1,502 pounds. It was grown by Ron Wallace of Greene, Rhode Island. It was weighed in on October 7, 2006 at the Rhode Island Weigh-off.

Best Way to contact Grant Hackett: Found in AskJeeves = if u ever need to contact him u can - Leave a message on one of the posts on the main page- Leave a message in his live journal- Send an email

How long is a Giraffe's Tongue: Found in Yahoo = An adult giraffe's tongue is 27" long

Ontology: Found in Yahoo! = Ontology = theory of being

David Cronnenbergs First Feature Film: Foudn in Yahoo! = 1966 short film called "Transfer"

The Hacker Manifesto: Found in Wikipedia = The Conscience of a Hacker (also known as The Hacker Manifesto) is a small essay written January 8, 1986

Why do all phone numbers in holywood start with '555': Found in Yahoo = TO REACH Directory Inquiries for a city in the United States, one dials 555-1212 (preceded by the city's area code if one is calling from elsewhere). I'd speculate that movies' use of 555 stems from this. Otherwise, when the film actor flips open a matchbook and dials a number written within it, the most plausible explanation is that he's calling an amnesiac who has forgotten their own number, but who recommends calling Directory Inquiries to obtain it.

Top of the Australian pop Charts 1965: Found in Yahoo = The Seekers

Stephens band!!!!! I cant find it! All that exists is info on some punk band you wrote for!!!!

What is a Search Engine?

A search engine is like a electronic librarian, Comapnies know that this electronic librarian is really popular with the communisty so they pay to have their websites placed into this library. Then people ask the librarian a few simple questions about what they are looking for, and the librarian runs along and in a matter of seconds finds hundreds of thousands of books, and articles on the quesiton asked.

Search negine rakning systems: One of the the main rules in a ranking algorithm involves the location and frequency of keywords on a web page. Call it the location/frequency method, for short.

The first searhc result you will most likely have the most amnount of the keywords you typed in in it, and in hte same order you typed them ect.. then it filters down.

And of course everyone's favourite search engine is Google, I used to search on Yahoo! but once Google stormed the world I caught on. It also checkes and corrects my spelling and has the largest amount of websites on it. So why use another search engine for general questions. Academic searches I use for assignments and what not.

Five sources of journal articles for my essya topic:

The effect the mobile phone has ahd on the world. How much it is costing everyone for those stupid ringtones, all kinds of accidents that accour as a result of them, their dangers, their cures( like boredom).

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